they are both complete nut jobs
that may mean she is as well
approach with caution
The Oracle
she asked me if i am christian.
i told her that i was raised as a jw, but i do not go to the kingdom hall.
she says that she watch charles stanley and franklin graham on tv.
they are both complete nut jobs
that may mean she is as well
approach with caution
The Oracle
my whole life i have been taught by the witnesses that humans naturally want to do the wrong things, that we are inherently sinful and that we cannot "direct our own step".
i never believed it even though the media surely likes to make it look that way to make more money on advertising.. i just got done watching this video and i realize that i was right all along.. humans are amazing!.
Thanks for sharing the video. It helps put everything in perspective.
The Oracle
2 wt zombies came to my door today.
and i opened a can of woop a$$ on them.. i did the whole history of wt false prophecies on them and asked them to show me the gospel of 1914?
they couldn't and i followed them up and down the street proclaiming they were false teachers and couldn't talk their way out of a paper bag with a knowledgeable apostate.
unless you followed them to the donut shop! LOL
that was funny
good work though JWD. As long as you didn't resort to violence then I say - good for you for exposing the nut-cases and making a bit of a scene. That kind of approach isn't for everyone but it's certainly better than not doing anything and being a pacifist.
that we are living real close to the end of this system so says the latest awake ragazine.. there's buzz in the congregation that when "worldly people" say it, you know they're ready to turn on religion!!!!.
....and the beat goes on....
religions that have survided until today, will continue on the path they are currently on until, one by one they reach the end of its path...
eventually all superstitious belief will disappear
Thousand of belief systems built on the imaginations of people have already fallen by the wayside. It is only a matter of time.
It will undoubtedly take hundreds of years for it to happen, but I do believe we have entered an accelerated period of time in our history where foolish and mythological concepts are so much more thoroughly debunked, and the explanations for such debunkings are so much more accessible to the masses of humanity.
This will translate in to newer generations of people more quickly leaving behind the superstitions of their parents.
Tradition and custom are holding less and less credibility in the value systems of young people today as they are becoming so much more quickly and thoroughly educated on false teachings in general.
Sorry my religious ain't because of bible's because of EDUCATION.
The Oracle
the elders in the area are having their elders school.
it was announced at one hall,not to forget their badges or they wouldn't be allowed inside.. i shared with my mother some things in the elder book without telling her that's where i heard it.
she just shakes her head,but says it's still the truth.
Exactly mamalove!!
Way too many ex-jws or ex-jw wannabees have the guilt thing all mixed up!
It should be way more bothersome to a non-JW family member that their loved one is trapped inside some crazy-ass cult.
For some inexplicable reason most people who are breaking away from the JW-thing have a hard time realizing this.
It's bizzare and very difficult for a clear thinking person to comprehend, however I do realize that the brain-washing hangover can be very significant and can continue to warp your sense of right and wrong.
The Oracle
maybe the effect of this change is bigger than realized?
in 1995, it was discussed (positively) by everybody, during the week we studied the wt.
one elder stepped down and was looked down upon.
It's all so very silly really.
Except for the fact that many of us here at one point would believe everything the Watchtower said. That brings the seriousness of the WT movement back in to focus.
What a tremendous feeling of freedom to not be trapped inside that silly insignifant group. However, it still bothers me that there are so many who are still blindly following along. What a shameful waste of life!
It's just one of those things you have to come grips with I suppose, like so many other unfortunate situations in this world - you simply can't solve all of humanities problems. We can only do our small part to help others see the real truth whenever we can, but we have to move on with the rest of our lives too.
There is so much this world has to offer, and we are all here for a relatively short period of time.
The Oracle
if you think through the jw belief system, we would have to renounce sexual relations forever to get into the new system.
jw's believe that those coming back in a resurrection will not be married or given in marriage.
yeah. who would want to die and be resurrected as some kind of metro-sexual, she-male, eunuch, neutured, lady boy?
it makes no sense.
just think - 90%+ of the population would be one of these creatures. The other 10% or less would be the ones who could do the nasty.
Would these 10% become the new ruling class? The ones who can copulate? The copul-class? Would they be revered or looked down upon by the great crowd of non-sexual beings? Or would they all just get along because it would be a perfect paradise?
hmmmm....interesting questions.....but wait....we aren't allowed to think of such things...STOP THINKING...everything will work out fine....just leave it up to JEHOVAH...he is super smart...way smarter than us...he'll figure it out.... you just worry about underlining those answers in the paragraph and canvassing with our colorful pamphlets!
The Oracle
this year, i have decided that i am going to celebrate the christmas season in my own way.
even as a witness growing up, the two-month period of november and december had always been my favorite time of year.
something about all the pretty lights and decorations and the general spirit of goodwill always appealed to me.. i went shopping for a christmas tree the other day, but that's not what this post is about.
a nice dinner with the family on Christmas Eve
it's funny how asking a simple question brings down a religious house of cards- just why does god need the f&ds, the gb, or even any puny humans to accomplish his will?
jws refuse to ask a simple question, like, where can i find just one genuine member of the f&ds?
they know that asking questions of the wt religion means retribution from the stooge elders who mete out their official punishment to doubters of the gb.
good clip
good question
well, it's the big day.
time to go over the checklist..... .
shoes shined.
LisaRose speaks truth.
It is better in the real world.... WAY BETTER!
The Oracle